All in Optometry

Eyelash Perms: A Closer Look at This Trendy Treatment from an Eye Health Perspective

Are Eyelash Perms Worth the Risk? A Guide to Safe and Stunning Lashes

Who doesn’t love the idea of waking up with perfectly curled lashes every morning? Eyelash perms promise just that – a hassle-free beauty boost that makes your eyes pop. But before you dive into this trendy treatment, it's crucial to understand the potential risks involved, especially when it comes to your precious eye health. From the allure of DIY kits to the hidden dangers of over-processing, there's more to consider than meets the eye. Discover the safe way to achieve those dream lashes while keeping your eyes healthy and happy!

Keeping up with Back-To-School Routines

Just because this school year looks different doesn’t mean our back-to-school routines have to change drastically.In fact, as a parent, I'm adamant about keeping up with our back-to-routines, so my kids can still feel school is special and create something to look forward to. Part of that back-to-school routine involves an eye exam. And in this ever-changing world, one thing that remains consistent is that the majority of learning that our kids will be doing, involves their vision.